Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry Company
North Carolina's Official Historic Military Command
established August 23, 1793
"He That Hath No Stomach To This Fight Let Him Depart"
In Memoriam
An ancient custom followed by the members of the Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry (FILI) Company involves paying proper respect to our deceased brethren. Upon the death of one of our members, the FILI Armory is placed in mourning. At the visitation, the FILI Color Guard is posted at the coffin, and afterwards escorts the remains to the place of interment. At the request of the family, FILI Musicians may be utilized during the services. During visitation, church service, and interment, members of the FILI wear a black crepe on their left arm above the elbow. The tradition of wearing the black crepe dates back to the death of our first commander, Captain Robert Adam who died in 1801. In addition to the black crepe, FILI members in uniform will replace the red and white plume on the shako with the solid black plume. At the church service members attend in

parade dress or the FILI blazer uniform. At the FILI Annual Muster held each year on the23rd of August, a portion of the program is dedicated as a memorial to those of have passed away since the last Annual Muster. At the Annual Muster a eulogy is presented by the Commander, the First Sergeant calls the roll and the Chaplain reads the Resolution of Respect for the deceased member (s).
The Resolution of Respect becomes a permanent record in the “FILI Book of Remembrance.” Quoting from a speech by Major Robert Strange, who served as commanding officer of the FILI from 1823-1826; “…and whether dying in peace or in war, among the highest honors that can be paid my remains will be that they may be followed to the grave as those of so many of my noble comrades have been before me, in the solemn rites of military burial, by the Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry Company.”
Members Lost Since 23 August 2017:

William Lawrence Edmundson
October 2017

Thomas Clifton Stewart
March 2, 2018
Thomas Clifton Stewart, 93, passed away Friday, March 2, 2018 in NC Veterans Hospital, Fayetteville, NC. Mr. Stewart was born in Duke, NC on October 3, 1924. He served in the Navy during WWII from November 23, 1942 thru January 18, 1946. He was a member of Neil's Stewart Masonic Lodge and Past Master, Dunn Chapter of Eastern Star, Raleigh Scottish Rite, Fayetteville York Rite Body, Sudan Shrine, Erwin Historical Society, North Carolina Military Historical Society, Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry, American Legion Post 59, Black River Tigers Camp 2152, and SCV.